Ed Guides
Click on the covers to access the activity guides and use the links to more educational content.

Especially for Educators: “Using Storytelling to Teach Math in the Primary Classroom”
Yumbo Gumbo Bar Graphs
Yumbo Gumbo TRUE or FALSE activity
Find other book resources, reviews and more about the book at Charlesbridge.
- No World Too Big & No Voice Too Small Combination Activity Guide
- Audit drawing worksheet “What’s in Your Trashcan?”
- Sort & Weigh worksheet “What’s in Your Trashcan?”
Charlesbridge | ISBN: 978-1-62354-313-6
40 pages | ages 5-9

Opening The Road book page

- Link to free educator’s guide.
- Choose to Read Ohio notable book toolkit.
- Picture Books and the Green Book lesson plan created by an 8th teacher to introduce her students to the Jim Crow era.
- Pairing Picture Books and Primary Sources by librarian Tom Bober on the American Association of School Librarians KnowledgeQuest Blog.
- Join FLIP Discovery Library Content or access topics here.
No Voice Too Small book page
Educational Resources: Activity Guide, Lessons, On-Demand Distance Learning Resources
To meet the needs of teachers in this constantly changing school landscape, Jeanette Bradley, Lindsay H. Metcalf and I have created a flexible school author visit package for NO VOICE TOO SMALL. We have built both on-demand (asynchronous) and live (synchronous) options, suitable for classroom or at-home use.
Many of the poets who contributed to NO VOICE TOO SMALL have created mini writing workshop videos. Some have also recorded themselves reading their poems. There’s much to learn from watching these master craftspeople talk about their creative process!
- Educational Activity Guide. K-4 Standards-aligned
- School Library Journal blog, “The Classroom Bookshelf.” Erika Thulin Dawes, professor of language and literacy at Lesley University, created a wealth of additional NO VOICE TOO SMALL extension lessons.
YouTube Links:
- NO VOICE TOO SMALL pledge , promise to use your voice, take the pledge.
- NO VOICE TOO SMALL Writing Workshops Poets from NO VOICE TOO SMALL share their inspiration and writing tips with young readers.
- NO VOICE TOO SMALL Young Activists Speak A collection of videos of the young activists featured in NO VOICE TOO SMALL. Some were created just for readers of this book, others are news videos, speeches, or performances given by the young activists in the past.
- NO VOICE TOO SMALL Poetry Readings A rotating selection of poets read their own poems aloud.

Flip Book Club
Check out the NO VOICE TOO SMALL Book Club on Flip, where readers can watch and respond to poetry readings and writing workshop videos with their own recordings and writings! For privacy, teachers can copy this collection of topics into their private classroom Flipgrid sites. The book’s editors discuss details in the webinar linked at right.
Learn more in another Flipgrid webinar, “Race, Equity, and Justice: Empowering your students to be voices of change.
The King Cake Baby book page

Wanna pass a good time?
Every January 6th is the first day of the Carnival season. Follow the links to plan a party, bake a king cake, and read THE KING CAKE BABY book!
- Easy Peasy King Cake Party – make a king cake with kids!
- 12 Days of Carnival Song and Coloring Book – how to print a FREE copy as individual pages or as a booklet
12 Days of Carnival Coloring & Song Book
Click here for directions on how to print a FREE copy of the 12 Days of Carnival Coloring Book as individual coloring pages or as a booklet.
Every January 6th is the first day of the Carnival season. Follow these links to plan a party, bake an easy peasy king cake and read THE KING CAKE BABY book!
Happy Mardi Gras!