The King Cake Baby
In this New Orleans version of the Gingerbread Man, the King Cake Baby, a small figure traditionally hidden inside a king cake little plastic baby traditionally hidden inside a Carnival King Cake escapes and encounters various local characters as he runs across the French Quarter heading for the Mississippi River. Includes a recipe for king cake. Bon appétit!
Pelican Pub | ISBN: 978-1-45562-013-5
32 pages | ages 4-8
Where can you catch The King Cake Baby?
Fun Activities:
- Easy Peasy King Cake Party. See fun photos of kids making this king cake!
- Mardi Gras King Cake from Pillsbury Dough Sheets to see step-by-step photo directions.
- 5 Little King Cake Babies Action Song: pdf of lyrics, numbered babies, finger puppets, and a pdf copy to use with this action song that accompanies THE KING CAKE BABY book.
- Homer Plessy Grade 2 Students singing the 12 Days of Carnival Song
Educational Resources:
- FREE Study Guide! Activities aligned with the academic standards, crafts, coloring sheets, and more.
- The King Cake Baby, Jama’s Alphabet Soup. Explains the history of Carnival, king cake, and why we hide a plastic baby figurine inside!
- KidLit Pick: Mardi Gras Edition, Alysson Foti Bourque, News15, Lafayette, LA
- The King Cake Baby, Children’s Books Heal blog
- The King Cake Baby Multicultural Book Day review, Crafty Moms Share blog
- REVIEWSDAY TUESDAY: A Review of Keila V. Dawson’s The King Cake Baby, My Word Playground
- 2015 Diversity Reading Challenge – The King Cake Baby, Miss Marple’s Musings blog
Book Trailer:
- WVXU 91.7 (NPR) interview, with Lee Hay, Around Cincinnati.
- United Service Organizations (USO):
- 2022 USO South Texas Mardi Gras celebration
- 2021 USO South Texas Mardi Gras celebration
Interviews and Guest Posts:
- “Finding Authentic Voice in Cultural Mentor Texts” Children’s and YA Writer blog, Marcie Atkins
- Author Keila Dawson, Jennifer Cunningham Sommer’s blog.
- The King Cake Baby – A Query Letter That Worked Sub It Club.
- Debut Author Interview, Mardi Gras Style! Author Debbie LaCroix’s blog.
- High Five #33: Awww, yeah, Baby! Writers Who Run blog, Christie Wright.
- First-Time Picture Book Author Cover Letters, Exposed! Carissa Mina, Writer and Stuff blog.
- Mardi Gras Reads & Beads,
- Must Own Mardi Gras Books for Kids, New Orleans Mom blog
- 10 Mardi Gras Books for Preschoolers – ELEMENO-P Kids blog